by kspence | Dec 7, 2012 | Imaging the City, Neoliberalism, Urban Politics
Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. – We Almost Lost Detroit from Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. on Vimeo.
by kspence | Dec 6, 2012 | Neoliberalism, Resistance, Urban Politics
In an interview with the New Left, Jodi Dean (political theorist, professor at William Hobart and Smith Colleges, and author of the recently published book The Communist Horizon) was asked about what needs to happen to give left politics the opportunity to attack...
by kspence | Dec 5, 2012 | Black Politics, Urban Politics
I am now pretty much back on my old school work schedule, which means I get into the office at 6:30am. On a "normal" December day I would need to wear a scarf, gloves, my Russian hat (thanks Jelani!), and long underwear. Today? Welcome to the new normal. I wore all of...
by kspence | Nov 14, 2012 | Black Family, Neoliberalism, Obama, Politics, Religion, Resistance, Urban Politics
One of the arguments Fred Harris and Michael Dawson both make in their books about post-Obama era black politics is that the "black church" is in decline, having succumbed to the prosperity gospel. Eddie Glaude went so far as to argue that black church was dead. I...
by kspence | Nov 13, 2012 | Black Politics, Neoliberalism, Politics, Urban Politics
With last week's election, Washington DC's City Council now has a slim 7-6 white majority. This bears watching, given that we'll probably see an increase in two phenomenon: White mayors elected to run majority black cities. I've already talked about Mike Duggan in...
by kspence | Oct 23, 2012 | Culture, Neoliberalism, The Future of the City, Urban Politics |
I had the opportunity to see the film Detropia last Friday (it's showing at The Charles Theater for the next week I believe). It's been here before (it played during the Maryland Film Festival) but I missed it. The trailer: DETROPIA Trailer from Loki Films on Vimeo....
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