Black Lit is for White People?

I’ve been reading Mat Johnson’s blog since Tayari hipped me to it. In a recent post he tests whether Black Lit is for White People by looking at the type of black literature given prominent awards by mainstream literature critics. I’d...

On self-hatred

There’s a meme that’s been going around black communities at least as long as black people have been organizing against white supremacy, blaming black failure on self-hatred. If we were to just “unify.” If we were able to somehow figure out how...

Technology Tips (or how I fixed my IPod)

Ok. So about ten days or so ago, my Ipod died on me. I had planned to begin podcasting my lectures for my black politics class, among other things. All for naught. I took it to the Genius Bar at the Apple Store, and the assistant charged it, listened to it…and...

Black Politics so far….

One of the reasons I haven’t been posting as often is because I’ve begun teaching. After two years off I was literally dying to get into the classroom…and for good reason. My two classes (Black Politics–primarily for undergrads, Comparative...