by kspence | Oct 8, 2012 | Campaigns and Elections, Neoliberalism, Obama |
Here's the thing. I believe Obama is going to win the election. It'll be closer than 2008, but I don't think it's going to be particularly close. Even if we allow for the possibility of extensive vote suppression–as an aside I think it'd be an excellent idea if the...
by kspence | Oct 4, 2012 | Black Popular Culture, Hip-hop, Obama
This picture has been making the rounds since Beyonce and JayZ held a $40,000 campaign event for President Obama. It's an absolutely beautiful picture, one shared and commented on by thousands. The most powerful man on the planet, and the most powerful MC on the...
by kspence | Oct 3, 2012 | Black Leadership, Black People Mythology, Black Politics, Black Popular Culture, Knocking the Hustle |
On August 22, 2011, the Martin Luther King Memorial opened to the public. The first African American to be honored with a memorial on the Mall, and only the fourth non-President, King’s memorial took decades of planning and fundraising. It stands, or perhaps better...
by kspence | Sep 26, 2012 | Class and Politics, Neoliberalism, Sports |
But of course that’s not the real story. Why are the original refs being replaced in the first place? The struggle between the owners and the referees is part and parcel of a much larger series of struggles between labor and capital. In this case, the two parties are...
by kspence | Sep 18, 2012 | Black Politics, Knocking the Hustle, Neoliberalism |
If I were asked in all seriousness just what I considered to be the chief significance of Invisible Man as a fiction, I would reply: Its experimental attitude and its attempt to return to the mood of personal moral responsibility for democracy which typified the...
by kspence | Sep 18, 2012 | Campaigns and Elections, Neoliberalism, Obama
Hat tip to Think 4 Yourself. And in honor of Romney’s excellent press conference explaining his remarks…Mobb Deep. [youtube][/youtube]
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