by kspence | Aug 26, 2011 | Black Leadership, Crisis of the Negro Intellectual |
For those on the east coast reading this blog on 8/26 or this weekend, please take steps to make sure you’re safe given Irene. Government information can be found here. I am bracing for a storm at least as bad as the winter storms we’ve been hit with in Baltimore...
by kspence | Aug 17, 2011 | Culture, Marc Steiner Show, Political Ideology, The Future of the City, The Mass Media |
In this month’s appearance on the Marc Steiner Show, I discussed cultural nationalism with Jerome Scott, Founder and member of Project South: The Institute for the elimination of Poverty and Genocide. Since we discussed Manning Marable’s biography of Malcolm X in May,...
by admin | May 23, 2011 | Black Leadership, Crisis of the Negro Intellectual |
This semester one of my seniors wrote a paper examining African American conceptions of freedom over time, using the speeches of various black elite to ferret out how they used the term. When we think of freedom now, thanks to the neoliberal turn, we usually think of...
by admin | May 20, 2011 | Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, Neoliberalism, Obama |
Photo by @mjbThis week Cornel West broke out in hives over his inability to get an invite to the inaugural, under cover of a progressive Obama critique arguing that Obama had a thing for whites and jews and against “free black men”. Both Melissa Harris-Perry and Adam...
by admin | May 16, 2011 | Black Leadership, Black Power, Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, Marc Steiner Show, NPR, The Mass Media |
Like most college-educated black men my age, reading the Autobiography of Malcolm X was like having my eyes pried open for the first time. So when I heard that Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention was finally to be released–just three days after author Manning Marable...
by admin | May 4, 2011 | Black Leadership, Marc Steiner Show, NPR, Obama, Politics, The Mass Media |
Photo by Daquella maneraI heard the news Monday morning. I quickly chimed in then asking what the unemployment rate was again (8.8 but the black unemployment rate is 14.9). I asked because while I believe Obama should be affirmed for doing what he set out to do…he...
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