Obama's first encounter with Detroit Mayor rocky

At least according to this article. Now something like this is usually leaked to the press by someone. Here I’m thinking that someone from Mayor Kilpatrick’s cabinet leaked this story to the journalist. It gets at some of the difficulties that my (helpful)...

Strike One for Obama

See today’s Washington Post article. There’s a whole bunch of stuff we talk about routinely in barbershops. But for some reason the only thing that comes out as “courageous” and “authentic” is the stuff that points to black people...

Invisible Political Throat Cutter

Sounds like an MC handle doesn’t it (especially if you put the emphasis on the IN in “invisible”)? I’ve been coding dozens of hip-hop tracks for my book project and this is the title I came up with when I came across this article about how one...

Fox Attacks Obama

[kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/ouKJixL–ms” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /] Thanks to Think Progress.