by admin | Sep 18, 2006 | NPR, Politics, The Mass Media |
My most recent commentary just came out today. I remember welfare repeal like it was yesterday. Probably the two things I most remember are Clinton’s use of black single mothers to sell the program, and the fact that Maxine Waters didn’t even fight the bill. Bad news....
by admin | Sep 7, 2006 | NPR, Pop Culture, The Mass Media |
Just what we need. Bob Johnson wants to create a production house specializing in black family comedies. I can just imagine what the movies will look like. Check out my NPR commentary.
by admin | Aug 30, 2006 | Black Power, Neoliberalism, NPR, The Mass Media, Urban Politics |
Just saw that my recent commentary on Katrina is out. Give a listen and let me know what you think. In fact, check out my first commentary on Katrina as well…written at last year’s meeting of the American Political Science Association.
by admin | Aug 23, 2006 | NPR, Pop Culture, Racial Politics, The Mass Media |
Oliver Stone’s recent movie on the World Trade Center has come under criticism because of casting issues. You can hear my spin on it. A number of us have fallen victim to the fakelore of white supremacy. This is one case where it is pretty clear to me that black...
by admin | Aug 16, 2006 | NPR, Racial Politics, The Mass Media |
I briefly blogged at until I told my homeboy that although he was a Republican (and made the strongest argument I’d heard in favor of blacks joining the GOP) I didn’t roll like that. In my most recent NPR piece I talk about some of the recent...
by admin | Jun 30, 2006 | Black Family, Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Neoliberalism, NPR, The Mass Media, Urban Politics |
This was the take home message of my latest NPR Commentary. The caption focuses largely on black America’s debt. And our debt is growing. But what folks really need to get with is the fact that this is an American condition. Black people are always talking about how...
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