by admin | Jun 1, 2007 | NPR, The Mass Media |
Hey. Did the thing on NPR yesterday with my man Jimi and his crew. I’ve done three of these barbershop joints so far and they get better every time. And hell on top of everything I didn’t even have to leave my office! Anyway on this segment we talked about a brother...
by admin | May 16, 2007 | NPR, The Mass Media |
Thanks to my man Jimi, I got put down with Michele Martin’s new show. I’ve done the political roundtable thing before, to what I thought were horrible results. I can play the political analyst, but what I really do when I’m on the mic…is talk sh*t. So what Jimi and...
by admin | Mar 2, 2007 | Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, NPR, The Mass Media |
Michele Martin has been working on a new NPR show and has been demoing parts of it on her blog. My man Jimi came up with a brilliant idea. Instead of having a roundtable discussion of experts as experts about the days events, why not have a roundtable discussion...
by admin | Jan 30, 2007 | NPR |
I coined the phrase precarious* to reflect contemporary middle class life. Listen to my most recent NPR commentary to hear me talk about it.
by admin | Nov 28, 2006 | NPR, The Mass Media |
In the wake of Cosby-like arguments damning black people for their condition, I thought it would be helpful to actually talk about the case of a single person who’d done all the right things, but still couldn’t get ahead. Listen to her story...
by admin | Nov 17, 2006 | Education, NPR, Racial Politics, The Mass Media |
My most recent commentary on NPR deals with the fallout from the defeat of Proposal 2 in Michigan, which would ban most forms of Affirmative Action in college admissions, hiring, and in awarding contracts. I think the effect on black enrollment at Michigan will be...
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