by kspence | Feb 17, 2013 | Black Popular Culture, Neoliberalism, Sports |
Today Michael Jordan turns 50. In thinking through what this means I read a piece by Wright Thompson who wrote the best article about Michael Jordan and aging I believe I've ever read. I also turned to Foucault–whose work I've been teaching in my class Race and the...
by kspence | Feb 3, 2013 | Black Leadership, Neoliberalism
Yesterday I attended the funeral of Vernon Nathaniel Dobson, longtime pastor of Union Baptist Church, associate and fellow traveler of Martin Luther King jr., and a member of Baltimore's Goon Squad. (yes. Goon Squad. more on that later.) I am in Baltimore because of...
by kspence | Jan 28, 2013 | Neoliberalism
I'm back in the classroom for the first time in a minute (I had the fall semester off). In an attempt to save trees I'm placing the syllabus here. First up? Blade Runner. Imag(in)ing Cities
by kspence | Jan 26, 2013 | Black Leadership, Black Politics, Campaigns and Elections, Obama |
On Friday's Barbershop I weighed in on the "controversy" over President Obama using Lincoln's Bible and Martin Luther King jr's Bible during his swearing in ceremony[foot]Listen here.[/foot]. I noted that King was dead, and if we want to make claims about racial...
by kspence | Jan 9, 2013 | Announcements |
Hanes Walton jr. passed away recently. Over the course of a 45 year career he published over 80 articles, 25 book chapters, and 25 books and edited volumes, served on 12 review boards, and received over 25 awards and grants. He was the first scholar to take Martin...
by kspence | Dec 11, 2012 | Black Popular Culture, Pop Culture
Working on my second book project on autonomy. It's a sequel of sorts to Stare in the Darkness, dealing with black autonomy projects and the means and logics black populations use to problem-solve black conduct. It began as an attempt to understand the...
by kspence | Dec 10, 2012 | Black Popular Culture, Culture, Hip-hop, Pop Culture
I was looking for information on Max Roach's Freedom Now Suite and I stumbled across the following brief interview with Branford Marsalis. Given Rolling Stone's recent release of their top 50 hip-hop songs of all time list I thought it appropriate. Although I don't...
by kspence | Dec 7, 2012 | Imaging the City, Neoliberalism, Urban Politics
Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. – We Almost Lost Detroit from Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. on Vimeo.
by kspence | Dec 6, 2012 | Neoliberalism, Resistance, Urban Politics
In an interview with the New Left, Jodi Dean (political theorist, professor at William Hobart and Smith Colleges, and author of the recently published book The Communist Horizon) was asked about what needs to happen to give left politics the opportunity to attack...
by kspence | Dec 5, 2012 | Black Politics, Urban Politics
I am now pretty much back on my old school work schedule, which means I get into the office at 6:30am. On a "normal" December day I would need to wear a scarf, gloves, my Russian hat (thanks Jelani!), and long underwear. Today? Welcome to the new normal. I wore all of...
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