The question of choice

Over at Prometheus6, Earl is dealing with the paradox of choice.  If you’ve got a nice chunk of time, go over there and check that video out…then take a look at what Malcolm Gladwell has to say about the subject. I do happen to believe that the...

300–The Modern Triumph of the Will

I just got finished watching 300–the movie adaptation of the Frank Miller graphic novel about the Battle of Thermopylae. Trying to get a read on thoughts before I offer my own I find posts about technique, about the western civ angle, and about its relative lack...

President of NAACP Resigns

Bruce Gordon, President of the NAACP resigned today, after only 19 months, citing problems with the board. I wrote a piece about the NAACP right after Mfume left his post. Here’s an important snippet: the NAACP is a highly centralized organization, with a...

Marriage is for rich people

Remember this? Well check this out. Now truth be told we’ve been heading down this road for a while now…and as usual the trend hits vulnerable populations first, then spreads outward. The key here is the historical piece. How long has marriage really been...