Which Way for Black Power?

This year represents the 40 year anniversary of the Newark and Detroit riots. Next year will be the 40 year anniversary for Baltimore. One of my former students forwarded me a discussion that relates to our discussions about the local and the global. Amy Goodman of...

How Wealth was Created in America

[kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/GM_kj4RD1_M” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]I was just asked to participate in a conference on the Baltimore riots of 68. Being more of a Detroit guy than a...

Going to Detroit after all

….but only for a couple of days. tafari, keith (and others who don’t blog but know me), hit me up. i’ll be taking pictures, visiting family, and hanging out with the ques. am hitting the road now.