Tell Me More Silenced

On December 15, 2008 I wrote a post entitled "News and Notes Silenced". For those who don't know, News and Notes represented an attempt to diversify NPRs program offerings by presenting a program dedicated to producing the news from a black perspective. Led by Tavis...

MBK Critics Meet with White House

I've got about 20 minutes before a van picks me up and takes me to the Roots and Remedies site (I'm here talking about cities and political change). So that doesn't quite give me enough time to make the changes to my chapter on neoliberalism and the black church…but...

Frankie Knuckles RIP

I mentioned a few days ago that we lost Frankie Knuckles last week at the relatively young age of 59. Frankie Knuckles was to house music as Afrika Bambaata was to hip-hop. I’m in the process of writing a piece thinking about Frankie Knuckles in tandem with...

On Anxiety and Politics

A group of Hopkins students and administrators have gotten together to raise awareness about mental health.The result is Hopkins Speaks Up, a campaign that seeks to reduce the stigma attached to mental health. I participated. A few years ago the National Institute of...