by admin | May 2, 2011 | Neoliberalism, Obama |
Every group has the tendency to close ranks when one of its own is attacked. Blacks aren’t any different from any other group here. Given racist attempts to question Obama’s citizenship, his credentials, we’re going to reflexively respond with joy when he “proves the...
by admin | Apr 26, 2011 | Neoliberalism |
In June at our annual meeting of Kellogg health postdocs I’m appearing on a panel of “success stories”. I don’t consider myself a success story at all. I don’t have tenure. I haven’t gotten to the space yet where I can finally take the projects in my head and make...
by admin | Apr 16, 2011 | Neoliberalism, The Mass Media |
I’ve been wanting to give a lecture at an Ethical Society for years, ever since my days in Saint Louis. Tomorrow I get my wish. On April 17, at 10:30am I’ll be giving a lecture entitled Race, the Death of the Public, and the Neoliberal Turn, at the Baltimore Ethical...
by admin | Apr 14, 2011 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Marc Steiner Show, Neoliberalism, The Mass Media
This year I’ve participated in a set of monthly dialogues with Marc Steiner. Although the structure of the dialogues was and is open, I’ve used this opportunity to talk about intra-racial inequality, particularly because the Steiner Show is on WEAA (Morgan State...
by admin | Apr 13, 2011 | Neoliberalism |
Day 117 2010 365, originally uploaded by LesterSpence.
by admin | Apr 8, 2011 | Black Power, Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Neoliberalism |
Later today I’m giving a talk on labor and racial inequality as part of a conference on human rights and the city. Particularly given what’s going on in Wisconsin and the rest of the country this subject is incredibly important. The take home points: When we speak of...
by admin | Apr 6, 2011 | Neoliberalism |
Day 146 2010 365, originally uploaded by LesterSpence.
by admin | Mar 30, 2011 | Culture, Neoliberalism, Pop Culture |
Photo by What WhatMy next book begins with the JayZ quote “I’m not a businessman, I’m a business man.” Although I don’t use the quote in Stare in the Darkness (OUT SOON!) I thought it captured the neoliberal ethos perfectly. JayZ knows something folks like Ed Dunn...
by admin | Mar 25, 2011 | Black Power, Neoliberalism, Racial Politics |
The 2010 census findings are beginning to trickle out. Blacks are leaving the North, but let’s not get it twisted, what they’re really doing is leaving the Rustbelt…and New York City. Blacks migrated to the north en masse in the Great Migration to escape terrorism and...
by admin | Mar 15, 2011 | Hip-hop, Sports |
Photo by VediaGot a chance to watch the Fab Five documentary on Sunday. Watching it was a bittersweet experience, because I attended Michigan from 87-91 (undergrad) and then from 92-00 (grad). I was in my second year (pledging, incidentally) when the 1989 team won it...
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