by kspence | Dec 8, 2011 | Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, Education, Hip-hop, Urban Politics |
One of the questions I never asked in Stare in the Darkness (because it wasn't a "how to" book) was "how might we use rap and hip-hop progressively?" There are literally dozens of efforts across the world to connect rap and hip-hop to progressive movements. Although...
by kspence | Dec 6, 2011 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Hip-hop |
Michael Eric Dyson’s received a great deal of press lately for his course on JayZ. Previously a course on the sociology of hip-hop, Dyson instead sought to teach the course primarily about JayZ. Of course there are a number of folk who are up in arms because they...
by kspence | Nov 27, 2011 | Education, NPR |
I’ve always been interested in the power of narratives. Given my professional interests I’ve focused on their political power–what is rap if not a story?–but I’ve also recognized their power to change lives in other ways. No program conveys that better than...
by kspence | Nov 8, 2011 | Sports, The Mass Media |
This morning I received word that Smoking Joe Frazier passed away from liver cancer. I wasn’t really a boxing fan, but while it’s quite possible now to grow up never seeing a boxing match live or on television (my children have never seen a match), it wasn’t possible...
by kspence | Oct 31, 2011 | Black Family, NPR, Politics |
Herman Cain’s been getting a big bang out of a little buck, at least as evidenced by his recent ad campaign: [youtube][/youtube] This past Friday I addressed this on The Barbershop. The quick and dirty of it is that I think...
by kspence | Oct 25, 2011 | Hip-hop |
Tonight at the Enoch Pratt Library I’ll be giving a talk on the book. And will likely talk a bit about my next non-academic project that answers the question my book doesn’t quite tackle but hints at–how DO we use hip-hop to create a more progressive politics? If...
by kspence | Oct 24, 2011 | Hip-hop, Marc Steiner Show
Last week I began a mini-Stare in the Darkness Book Tour of sorts which began with a podcast that should appear sometime this month and continues this Tuesday with my first library book signing at the Enoch Pratt Library. As part of the tour I spoke to Marc Steiner...
by kspence | Oct 16, 2011 | Afrofuturism |
As a favor to a friend I went to NY Comic-con yesterday to appear on a panel on alternate histories and Steampunk, featuring the work Boilerplate, created by the talented duo of Paul Guinan and Anina Bennett. Guinan and Bennett were on the panel, along with Ay-Leen...
by kspence | Oct 14, 2011 | Neoliberalism |
I’ve seen this photo a couple of places. Ed Dunn at Dream and Hustle was the first person I saw to display it with the correct political line. But in general a number of my folks on Facebook have shared it without critique. It reflects a certain type of common sense....
by kspence | Oct 10, 2011 | Neoliberalism |
Going to be on the Marc Steiner show later on this afternoon talking about the book. I’m hoping to use that as the opportunity to talk a little bit about Occupy Baltimore and the potential role of hip-hop and other cultural forms. While there are a number of critiques...
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