by kspence | Mar 21, 2012 | Black Politics |
Trayvon Martin's execution by George Zimmerman will generate wave after wave of blog posts. Hopefully wave after wave of political organizing against the Stand Your Ground law that I imagine Zimmerman will use in his defense. I wanted to chime in to make a couple of...
by kspence | Feb 20, 2012 | Black Politics, Media Appearances |
I was asked by a colleague to give a talk to Hopkins' Black Faculty-Staff Association this month. I wasn't able to because of time constraints, but I told her that if I did give a talk, it'd probably be titled "Why I Hate Black History Month". Actually, the title I...
by kspence | Feb 17, 2012 | Black Politics, Education |
I was invited yesterday to give a talk on drop-out prevention. Because I am pretty sensitive to the general critique that public intellectuals often go too far afield from the discipline they were trained in–Henry Louis Gates is rarely asked to pontificate on slave...
by kspence | Feb 16, 2012 | Neoliberalism
This semester members of my urban policy class are tasked to create a group project. Below I present a set of resources that should help them with their goal. But as the resources are not class specific please feel free to share them with others. Perhaps the first...
by kspence | Feb 9, 2012 | Education |
I was recently asked to begin blogging on CNN's website. My first post appeared this week. In it I argued that college education should be an entitlement rather than a privilege open to those with the ability to pay for it. This isn't my idea–I wish it was! I borrowed...
by kspence | Jan 17, 2012 | Black Politics, Black Popular Culture, Neoliberalism |
Late last year Jared Ball, Darius Wilmore, Lawrence Grandpre, Zeke Berzoff, Chris Baron, and I founded the Baltimore Mixtape Project as a vehicle with which we could both help produce and disseminate politically progressive hip-hop. We've gotten a lot of positive...
by kspence | Jan 16, 2012 | Black Politics, Neoliberalism |
I got into a brief argument with Cornel West in Seattle over Labor Day Weekend, over his argument that MLK would want a revolution rather than a memorial. I made two points: The first is that King is dead. He was assassinated 44 years ago. And if he were NOT...
by kspence | Dec 16, 2011 | Black Leadership, Democracy |
Ben Chavis, former National Director of the Million Man March, and current CEO and Co-Chairman of the Hip Hop Summit Action Network held a press conference announcing "Occupy the Dream" designed to create a bridge between the Occupy Movement and African American...
by kspence | Dec 13, 2011 | Democracy, Neoliberalism |
At approximately 4am on Tuesday morning (December 13, 2011) riot police forced members of Occupy Baltimore to leave McKeldin Square. No one was arrested, and there was no violence. In a statement, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake affirmed the right of individuals to...
by kspence | Dec 13, 2011 | Neoliberalism, The Future of the City
As we enter the second season of the nascent Occupation movement police have responded viciously. To loosely quote Stuart Hall, “the Empire strikes back.” At UC Davis, police officers sprayed protestors with pepper spray. In a video making the rounds, we can see one...
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