Technology Tips (or how I fixed my IPod)

Ok. So about ten days or so ago, my Ipod died on me. I had planned to begin podcasting my lectures for my black politics class, among other things. All for naught. I took it to the Genius Bar at the Apple Store, and the assistant charged it, listened to it…and...

Black Politics so far….

One of the reasons I haven’t been posting as often is because I’ve begun teaching. After two years off I was literally dying to get into the classroom…and for good reason. My two classes (Black Politics–primarily for undergrads, Comparative...

Hospital charged with murder.

While waiting two hours in a Lake County Ill hospital complaining of severe pain, Beatrice (ed.–previously i wrote “beverly”) Vance died of a heart attack. This after she clearly reported symptoms that indicated that a heart attack was imminent (ed....

Black Churches get little Faith based aid

When Bush offered churches the opportunity to get federal aid folks thought he was trying to erase the Church/State distinction, and to at least demobilize black churches. (If he can’t get black people to vote for him, at least he can keep black pastors pacified...