NYPD Surge Drill (You Tube)

(Updated 12.15.06) Check out this video: (I removed the Youtube video because Firefox 2.0 users and Safari users had trouble.) This one may be more representative. Check it out as well. The relationship between police and citizens in urban spaces with large non-white...

Afronerd on the NYC Brutality case

Over at Afronerd they’re discussing the Queen brutality case. Their ideological line is very far from mine, but I am not interested in that as much as I am interested in what flows from that. How does a moderate conservative ideological perspective alter their...

Police Brutality and Al Sharpton

In his recent post Why Do Families Call on Sharpton Steve Gillard attempts to answer what is probably a pressing question amongs white New Yorkers at the very least. Why is it whenever there is some sort of “racial flare up” Sharpton gets the call? I...