Which means that for the first time in several years I have to sit down and figure out what I do next. I’ve already talked about what my next project is, a book about neoliberal governmentality, tentatively titled Can’t Knock the Hustle. But I’ve a number of other projects percolating. And I need to figure out how to gear up again. I’ve said before that this was a marathon and not a sprint. My challenge now is to take enough time somehow to recharge while not sitting on my ass because I’ve written A book.
I turned my blog off more or less since I made the push to get it done. A post here and there. I’m not turning it on necessarily. At least not post a day on. But I’m going to see if there is a way I can use this to kick around project ideas. To do some different things.
Next semester I teach black political thought at the graduate level and urban policy at the undergrad level. Am giving talks at dartmouth on the Obama experiment and at Hobart and smith on gender, race and neoliberal govermentality. Working with the National Legal Aid Defense Association on municipal underbounding, and just got asked to write a piece on self-segregation for The Urbanite.
A very busy year coming up.
It’ll do.
Congrats on getting that off to the publisher! Don't forget that once the book is *out* you'll have to spend some time talking it up. Having those kinds of conversations may also help with the percolation of ideas…
BTW, would you send me a copy of/a link to the self-segregation piece when it comes out? I'd be interested in reading it.
Glad to see you come up for air magne.
Don't forget about QR codes an-alla-dat.
Something to be said for how the googleverse is shaping up and contrary to popular belief, it's really still at the ground floor of its possible evolutionary development.
Whats next? http://t.co/zbF1GADq
From the Archives: Whats next? http://t.co/zbEX90Cw