With that said, two stories of interest.
Detroit as a city was built for over 2 million people. Now less than 900,000 live within her borders. Over 30% of her land is unused. No wonder coyotes have been spotted roaming the city. Take a look at how Detroit compares to other major cities. Manhattan has 1.6 times as many residents in less than half of the space. Now we can look at this through the neoliberal lens and talk about waste and inefficiency…in fact this is the normal urban narrative right? Detroit is empty because it is dangerous, corrupt even. And with the economy the way it is, Detroiters able to actually sell their house at a profit, or at least at a mild loss, would do best to actually pick up stakes and leave.
I understand this viewpoint, but don’t take it myself. In fact I think it represents an opportunity to think about the city, and about cities in new and vibrant ways.
If you potentially had 89 square miles of empty land to use to serve the needs of the Detroit population, what would you use it for? What could you use it for?
The second story?
The Detroit Free Press and the Detroit News have decided to go virtual. They will publish everyday but only deliver to homes on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. Further they will devote much more of their resources to delivering news through their webpages. Hits on their webpage hover around 4 million per day, while their newspaper readership has declined. Their profits are still decent, but the costs of printing are becoming prohibitive.
This is another cost-cutting measure that hamstrings a whole set of workers. Not only are paperboys/girls out of luck, but also out of luck are the distributors they work for. And then there are the craftsmen and women who work the printing machines.
On the other hand though this theoretically leads to more innovative ways to deliver news. I shot some video over the holidays in Detroit with the thought of making a mini-documentary of sorts, and was approached about possibly letting the Free Press use some of it.
Detroit as we know it is dead. But rather than performing an autopsy, we should await the new birth. What does the spirit of the twentieth century come back as?
The spirit of the twenty-first.
I have to consult google maps and then think about this rather hard before endeavoring an answer. Meanwhile, I offer the following placeholder to your assertion “so goes Detroit, so goes urban America….,”
ruh roh….,
without a redo, that'll be the last time I try to paste some html source even if I take it from one of my own blogposts. The thought is twofold, however. First, there is the singular symbolic and functional place held within the American psyche by the automobile – so the demise of the hub of the automotive industry is singular.
Second, and more to the point, if 70% of large enterprise software implementations fail due to poor change management and user acceptance (and these are just to automate existing business processes, not revolutionize a way of life) then what is the likelihood that the level of comprehensive change management required to transition Detroit from its terminal current state to a resurrected future state could be mounted, regardless of the level of local, regional and national engagement?
Detroit I dare say has more potential than other urban area because of its population density,do I hear urban gardening,what about a new application of community architectonic, tear down cost will be minimal
Doc had a conversation with a journalist for Crain business week publication,his take on the freep and news latest ;is that neither tried to get better i.e. sell advertisement ,they waited for customer to materialize versus a proactive stand;an example is the obit column,haven't change in 177 years, no diversity,people of color don't buy obit adds?
What does the spirit of the twentieth century come back as?
it doesn't….,
what was it like in the 19th century?
Interesting post. I have made a twitter post about this. My friends will enjoy reading it also.