by admin | Mar 7, 2007 | Afrofuturism, Crime and Punishment, Urban Politics |
So my piece on medieval urbanism got a hit from my friend Jesse Walker at Reason Magazine. And through that hit I got turned on to Bryan Finoki and Subtopia. I should’ve known there’d be a resource like this… Anyway, hitting a link at random I stumbled on the creative...
by admin | Mar 4, 2007 | Afrofuturism, Urban Politics |
An article in today’s New York Times notes the increasing use of military style design principles in cities. For them, this is a totally new groove, or at the very least a post 9/11 groove. While very specific design elements may have become more commonplace after...
by admin | Jan 7, 2007 | Crime and Punishment, Gender and Politics, Sports, Urban Politics
I’m just asking. Last week Darrent Williams, cornerback for the Denver Broncos was murdered in a drive-by shooting. While others with Williams were wounded, it appears as if he was the target. While the car the killers allegedly drove was recently found painted over...
by admin | Dec 9, 2006 | Crime and Punishment, Racial Politics, Urban Politics |
I did a piece for NPR about the Sean Bell killing, tying it into the research on implicit attitudes and race. You can find it here.
by admin | Aug 30, 2006 | Black Power, Neoliberalism, NPR, The Mass Media, Urban Politics |
Just saw that my recent commentary on Katrina is out. Give a listen and let me know what you think. In fact, check out my first commentary on Katrina as well…written at last year’s meeting of the American Political Science Association.
by admin | Aug 21, 2006 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Neoliberalism, Urban Politics |
Story here. The details haven’t come out yet. I’m suspecting it’s going to be tied to seniority. But let’s say for the sake of discussion that each worker is going to get offered something like 60 grand to walk. My dad just retired from Ford. He told me once about an...
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