by kspence | Aug 5, 2013 | Detroit, Neoliberalism, Urban Politics |
Over the past few months or so I've had to correct the record on Detroit. About what it is, about what it was, about what it can be. I expected to have to correct the Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic Monthly, The Detroit News even. But I didn't think I'd have to...
by kspence | Jul 23, 2013 | Black Politics, Crime and Punishment, Obama, Politics |
Today Salon ran two articles examining Detroit and Trayvon Martin. The article on Detroit, like most others ignore the role structural racism played Detroit's circumstances.[foot]Check out Krugman's response to Charles Lane for example, or ThinkProgress' piece about...
by kspence | Jul 22, 2013 | Detroit, Neoliberalism, Urban Politics |
Last week Detroit Emergency Financial Manager Kevin Orr filed bankruptcy papers, and was later sent back to the drawing board. When I heard the news, I felt as if I'd been simultaneously punched in the gut and then had a two hundred pound weight strapped on my back....
by kspence | Jul 8, 2013 | Imaging the City, Neoliberalism, The Future of the City, Urban Politics
A few months ago my colleague William Connolly considered The Dilemma of Electoral Politics. Given how bankrupt yet at the same time essential the US electoral system is, how do those of us on the Left deal with it? His answer: The formula is to move back and forth...
by kspence | Jun 13, 2013 | Black Leadership, Black Politics, Neoliberalism, Urban Politics |
I recently picked up Soo Ah Kwon's book Uncivil Youth: Race, Activism, and Affirmative Governmentality. Given my interest in neoliberal governmentality and racial/black politics as well as my work with various Baltimore youth-centered organizations I wanted to see how...
by kspence | Jun 3, 2013 | Detroit, Imaging the City, Neoliberalism, The Future of the City, Urban Politics
A few years ago Time magazine bought a house in Indian Village (one of Detroit's wealthiest neighborhoods) and housed its staff there for a year to follow what appeared to be Detroit's slow death. And now with the presence of the Emergency Financial Manager one could...
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