by admin | Jun 3, 2008 | Black Power, Crime and Punishment, Urban Politics |
In Congress, then-House Speaker Tip O’Neill, a Democrat whose Boston constituents couldn’t stop talking about Bias’s death, saw a political opportunity. Throughout the 1980s, the federal government had waded deeper into the war on drugs, part of a trend spawned by the...
by admin | May 31, 2008 | Crime and Punishment, Neoliberalism, Public Policy, Urban Politics |
Located 31 miles from Detroit in Oakland County, Michigan, Pontiac’s unemployment rate is high at 17.6%. Wealth levels within the city are low, as per capita income is 45% of the county, 65% of the state, and 63% of the national averages. GM concentration is...
by admin | May 30, 2008 | Hip-hop, Pop Culture, The Mass Media, Urban Politics |
[youtube][/youtube] And I’m pretty sure that the DJ is ?uestlove. The MC at the end talks about how Nutter is what Philadelphia needs. He provides a “breath of fresh air.” Once Nutter got going, I was feeling him. The only thing I...
by admin | May 26, 2008 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Neoliberalism, Public Policy, Urban Politics |
Nearly 3 percent of homes that were once occupied by their owners in the country were vacant in March. That is up from less than 2 percent three years ago and is the highest since the Census bureau began publishing the number in 1956. More here. Combine that with...
by admin | Apr 27, 2008 | Black Power, Crime and Punishment, Racial Politics, Urban Politics |
THE NATIONAL BLACK POLICE ASSOCIATION: THE SEAN BELL VERDICT EMBOLDENS LACK OF CONFIDENCE IN JUDGES © April 26, 2008. All rights reserved to NBPA By Christopher C. Cooper Saint Xavier University Chicago, IL The acquittals of the three New York City...
by admin | Apr 26, 2008 | Black Power, Crime and Punishment, Racial Politics, Urban Politics |
[youtube][/youtube] The Surge: [youtube][/youtube]
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