by admin | Jul 12, 2008 | Black Family, Black Leadership, Black Power, Campaigns and Elections, Democracy, Obama, The Mass Media, Urban Politics |
Amiri Baraka wrote a long letter to members of the black left before the June Black Radical Congress Meeting. You can find the entire speech here but I first found out about it over at P6. I can boil down the speech without doing too much damage to the following...
by admin | Jul 5, 2008 | Black Power, things that make you go hmm, Urban Politics |
My colleague and fraternity brother Darryl McMiller wrote today about the connection between the subprime mortgage crisis and the vicious land grabs that were commonplace in the South during the Jim Crow era in particular. There are some very important differences...
by admin | Jun 22, 2008 | Black Family, Gender and Politics, Urban Politics |
Jimi asked a bunch of us this question, and one of my partners already weighed in. I wish I had an answer that would pass muster. I don’t. I can, like Cobb did, pull from a list of my boys–good men all–and use that as some sort of barometer. The graduate chapter I’m...
by admin | Jun 17, 2008 | Crime and Punishment, Neoliberalism, Urban Politics |
by admin | Jun 15, 2008 | Black Family, Obama, Racial Politics, Urban Politics |
It was striking alright…striking in as much as it smacked a whole bunch of black folks who are trying to make lemonade with lemons right in the mouth: Too many fathers are M.I.A, too many fathers are AWOL, missing from too many lives and too many homes,” Mr. Obama...
by admin | Jun 7, 2008 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Education, Urban Politics |
“Why couldn’t we be a site for an alternative energy school? Why wouldn’t we be a training school to support the rail industry? Why wouldn’t we have a design school to look at mass transportation? Why couldn’t we train students in demographics?” she said. “Whatever...
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