by kspence | Jul 1, 2014 | Detroit, Neoliberalism, The Future of the City, Urban Politics
In the ongoing effort to "right size" the City of Detroit's budget, public officials have begun a draconian effort designed to further extort resources from residents with the least ability to afford them. They've increased water rates, and begun to threaten those who...
by kspence | Jan 3, 2014 | Culture, Detroit, Imaging the City, Pop Culture, Urban Politics
Been pouring over Richard Iton’s work over the break and into the year not only for the upcoming Souls issue but also for a few projects I’m working on in 2014. I’m particularly interested in the role geography plays in black cultural production. In Search of the...
by kspence | Oct 12, 2013 | Black Power, Detroit, Neoliberalism, Urban Politics
Kwame Kilpatrick was sentenced to 28 years in prison this week for running a criminal enterprise. In his sentencing Judge Nancy Edumunds argued that given his history (the charges went back to his tenure as a state legislator) and given the status of the city, he...
by kspence | Aug 5, 2013 | Detroit, Neoliberalism, Urban Politics |
Over the past few months or so I've had to correct the record on Detroit. About what it is, about what it was, about what it can be. I expected to have to correct the Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic Monthly, The Detroit News even. But I didn't think I'd have to...
by kspence | Jul 22, 2013 | Detroit, Neoliberalism, Urban Politics |
Last week Detroit Emergency Financial Manager Kevin Orr filed bankruptcy papers, and was later sent back to the drawing board. When I heard the news, I felt as if I'd been simultaneously punched in the gut and then had a two hundred pound weight strapped on my back....
by kspence | Jun 3, 2013 | Detroit, Imaging the City, Neoliberalism, The Future of the City, Urban Politics
A few years ago Time magazine bought a house in Indian Village (one of Detroit's wealthiest neighborhoods) and housed its staff there for a year to follow what appeared to be Detroit's slow death. And now with the presence of the Emergency Financial Manager one could...
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