by admin | Mar 17, 2009 | Crime and Punishment, Democracy, Urban Politics |
Day 60, originally uploaded by Unbowed. I’m not sure how to take the news that the Baltimore Police Department will no longer inform the public about officers who kill/wound citizens in the process of carrying out their duties. Yes, you heard that right. The Baltimore...
by admin | Feb 2, 2009 | Crime and Punishment, Racial Politics, Urban Politics |
I’m prepping for class tomorrow. This semester I’m teaching Black Politics at the undergrad level and American Racial Politics at the graduate level. Tomorrow’s ARP lecture is about the role of race and racial ideology in the generation of knowledge. I’m going to...
by admin | Jan 11, 2009 | Black Power, Crime and Punishment, Culture, Urban Politics |
Adrienne Brown is hot like fire. – We need ongoing supported focus on police brutality and accountability, even as we develop our own peace zones. It’s no longer sufficient to get furious when a civilian is killed by police, and maintain that fury until the officers...
by admin | Jan 10, 2009 | Crime and Punishment, Urban Politics |
(From Makani Themba-Nixon, director of The Praxis Project) 1. Digg the story so that the national media can pick up on it 2. Contact BART Director Carole Ward Allen and demand that 1) the officers involved be taken off duty without pay and charged and fully...
by admin | Dec 22, 2008 | Crime and Punishment, Neoliberalism, The Mass Media, Urban Politics |
…what do you see when you read the following articles in tandem? Hedge Funds Overlook Madoff Risk. A Reeling City is a Snapshot of Economic Woes. Squeezed on all sides, parents forgo day care. New target for Mexico’s Drug Cartels: Schools. ...
by admin | Oct 24, 2008 | Crime and Punishment, Gender and Politics, Racial Politics, The Mass Media, Urban Politics
[youtube][/youtube] Many of us thought this story sounded funny when it was first reported. And Prof. Lacewell is right to note that things have changed a great deal since the Susan Smith hoax (and incidentally the Carol...
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