by kspence | Aug 13, 2014 | Crime and Punishment, Urban Politics |
On April 14, 1997 Gregory Bell, a 19 year old, was home alone when his resident’s burglar alarm went off. Police officers sent to the unit to investigate found Bell. Because Bell was retarded, he was unable to communicate to the officers—who arrived at his...
by kspence | Jul 23, 2013 | Black Politics, Crime and Punishment, Obama, Politics |
Today Salon ran two articles examining Detroit and Trayvon Martin. The article on Detroit, like most others ignore the role structural racism played Detroit's circumstances.[foot]Check out Krugman's response to Charles Lane for example, or ThinkProgress' piece about...
by kspence | Oct 1, 2012 | Crime and Punishment, Neoliberalism, Urban Politics
Last week the New York Times ran an article on the front page about Defy Ventures–a venture capital project aimed at individuals formerly incarcerated: Defy Ventures provides carefully selected, ambitious men who have criminal histories with life-changing...
by kspence | Apr 2, 2012 | Black Politics, Crime and Punishment, Racial Politics
Was on NPR's Morning Edition on Friday, March 30, with David Greene talking about the constraints Obama faces when talking about race, specifically dealing with the Trayvon Martin case. I thought Obama's comments were spot-on, given that the case still hasn't been...
by kspence | Mar 22, 2012 | Black Family, Crime and Punishment, Gender and Politics, Racial Politics, Urban Politics |
The more I think about the Trayvon Martin case the more upset I get. And the more I both reach for my pen, and believe that the President should make a public statement. Over at Ta-Nehisi's spot I wrote a quick version of what that statement could look like. The...
by kspence | Aug 16, 2011 | Crime and Punishment, Hip-hop, Racial Politics, The Mass Media, Urban Politics
Of course we should’ve expected this. In the video below, David Starkey argues that the London riots can be traced to the growing power of black culture over Great Britain, and when he talks about black culture it is clear that what he really means is hip-hop and rap....
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