by kspence | Dec 6, 2011 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Hip-hop |
Michael Eric Dyson’s received a great deal of press lately for his course on JayZ. Previously a course on the sociology of hip-hop, Dyson instead sought to teach the course primarily about JayZ. Of course there are a number of folk who are up in arms because they...
by kspence | Oct 8, 2011 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Pop Culture, The Mass Media |
I wrote my first word-processed high school paper (and every high school paper after that) on an Apple IIc that I believe my parents still own. I wrote every undergraduate paper between 1987 and 1990 on a Mac. Every academic paper after 2004, every blog entry, NPR...
by kspence | Sep 28, 2011 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Neoliberalism
I got an email from one of my students today. An excellent student, she’s had trouble finding work and she reached out to me. I thought I’d take the response I sent to her and place it here (names removed of course), as a lot of people are in these circumstances: Hey...
by admin | May 8, 2011 | Black Family, Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Gender and Politics |
I created this video three years ago. Although my children are now much older, the message remains the same. The economic context is definitely the same. Mother’s Day represents a tremendous opportunity for change. If not this year, think about it next year....
by admin | Apr 14, 2011 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Marc Steiner Show, Neoliberalism, The Mass Media
This year I’ve participated in a set of monthly dialogues with Marc Steiner. Although the structure of the dialogues was and is open, I’ve used this opportunity to talk about intra-racial inequality, particularly because the Steiner Show is on WEAA (Morgan State...
by admin | Apr 8, 2011 | Black Power, Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Neoliberalism |
Later today I’m giving a talk on labor and racial inequality as part of a conference on human rights and the city. Particularly given what’s going on in Wisconsin and the rest of the country this subject is incredibly important. The take home points: When we speak of...
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