by kspence | Feb 3, 2014 | Education, Neoliberalism, Resistance |
On Martin Luther King Day in Ann Arbor, black University of Michigan students issued seven demands to university officials: We demand the University to give us an equal opportunity to implement change. The change that complete restoration of the BSU’s purchasing power...
by kspence | Dec 6, 2012 | Neoliberalism, Resistance, Urban Politics
In an interview with the New Left, Jodi Dean (political theorist, professor at William Hobart and Smith Colleges, and author of the recently published book The Communist Horizon) was asked about what needs to happen to give left politics the opportunity to attack...
by kspence | Nov 20, 2012 | Black People Mythology, Black Politics, Politics, Resistance |
I had the opportunity to present at Facing Race this past weekend. Junot Diaz, card-carrying literary genius, delivered the keynote. DIaz was funny, insightful, acerbic, raw, real. After the lecture he had a book signing line that appeared to be wrapped around the...
by kspence | Nov 14, 2012 | Black Family, Neoliberalism, Obama, Politics, Religion, Resistance, Urban Politics
One of the arguments Fred Harris and Michael Dawson both make in their books about post-Obama era black politics is that the "black church" is in decline, having succumbed to the prosperity gospel. Eddie Glaude went so far as to argue that black church was dead. I...
by kspence | Oct 30, 2012 | Neoliberalism, Racial Politics, Resistance |
As you can see on the right side of the page, the wonderful folk at AK Press recently released We Are Many, a book about Occupy written from the perspective of its participants. As I've already said, I do think a better book about Occupy will emerge. But I don't think...
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