by admin | Jun 9, 2009 | Black Power, Neoliberalism, Obama, Public Health, Public Policy, Racial Politics, things that make you go hmm |
We all agree that our health care system is broken. We get too little care for what we pay, suffer more than we should even after we pay. When Grant Hill first signed with the Detroit Pistons several years ago now he was on "sky's the limit" trajectory. The summer he...
by admin | Dec 24, 2008 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Obama, Public Policy, The Future of the City |
Historians (rightly) rap Obama, arguing his stimulus package is weak. As students of American history, we are heartened by your commitment to a jobs stimulus program inspired by the New Deal and aimed at helping “Main Street.” We firmly believe that such a strategy...
by admin | Dec 16, 2008 | Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, Education, Neoliberalism, Public Policy, Racial Politics, Urban Politics |
Roland Fryer has been working on a program that pays children for academic success for a while now, and its been rolled out in Chicago, New York City, and Washington D.C. even though research argues that it does little to nothing to reduce the achievement gap. For all...
by admin | Nov 23, 2008 | Campaigns and Elections, Obama, Public Policy, Racial Politics |
The last few cabinets have been remarkably diverse compared to the ones preceding them. Clinton had the most diverse administration in history, and I believe that Bush followed that up. We’re now getting some sense about Obama’s leaks and already some are asking...
by admin | Jul 27, 2008 | Black Power, Neoliberalism, Public Policy, Racial Politics, things that make you go hmm |
In blogging about the CNN Black Family series I mentioned that Fryer had a couple of theories that have been debunked…or tried to at any rate. The “Acting White” argument I dealt with some time ago. But the salty negro theory–which posits that black hypertension rates...
by admin | May 31, 2008 | Crime and Punishment, Neoliberalism, Public Policy, Urban Politics |
Located 31 miles from Detroit in Oakland County, Michigan, Pontiac’s unemployment rate is high at 17.6%. Wealth levels within the city are low, as per capita income is 45% of the county, 65% of the state, and 63% of the national averages. GM concentration is...
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