by kspence | Nov 28, 2012 | Black Politics, Black Popular Culture, Class and Politics, Pop Culture |
I take the bus to work every day. No. Strike that. I walk to the Metro station, then take the Metro to the bus stop, then take the bus to work everyday. Takes about an hour or so. Gets me walking two miles a day (one mile each way), and gives me room to breathe. To...
by kspence | Sep 27, 2012 | Black Popular Culture, Pop Culture |
Denzel Washington is on the cover of October’s GQ magazine as part of a press junket for his 42nd (!!) movie. Great interview. But I want to focus on two quotes. The first deals with Whitney Houston: What did you feel when Whitney died? Whitney was my girl, and she...
by kspence | Jun 18, 2012 | Black Popular Culture, Culture, Education, Hip-hop, Pop Culture |
A couple of weeks ago we held the finals of The Baltimore Mixtape Project. It was the kickoff event of Mobilizing and Organizing from Below. The event was far better than I could've possibly imagined, particularly given its shoestring nature. Most importantly it...
by kspence | May 8, 2012 | Black Popular Culture, Hip-hop, Pop Culture
I knew I'd name the title of my book Stare in the Darkness as soon as I knew my book would be about rap, hip-hop, and black politics. Thought it was a dope title. But I wanted to pay homage to Rakim. Even though he wasn't as prolific as Run DMC, as the Beastie Boys...
by kspence | May 2, 2012 | Pop Culture |
A half hour ago I found out that Junior Seau, an All-Pro linebacker who spent most of his career with the San Diego Chargers, died apparently from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. In response, an ESPN sports reporter asked that we pause what we're doing and think about...
by kspence | Oct 8, 2011 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Pop Culture, The Mass Media |
I wrote my first word-processed high school paper (and every high school paper after that) on an Apple IIc that I believe my parents still own. I wrote every undergraduate paper between 1987 and 1990 on a Mac. Every academic paper after 2004, every blog entry, NPR...
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