by kspence | Nov 13, 2012 | Black Politics, Neoliberalism, Politics, Urban Politics
With last week's election, Washington DC's City Council now has a slim 7-6 white majority. This bears watching, given that we'll probably see an increase in two phenomenon: White mayors elected to run majority black cities. I've already talked about Mike Duggan in...
by kspence | Nov 12, 2012 | Campaigns and Elections, Politics |
There's a benefit to having blogged longer than almost any other academic (and definitely any other blackademic) alive. With the shellacking they received, there've been questions about what the GOP should do now their Southern Strategy is dead in the water. Here's a...
by kspence | Nov 9, 2012 | Campaigns and Elections, Politics |
I've already done a couple of election post-mortems. Here are a set of quick thoughts: 1. California could be the future In the seventies, California began the modern anti-tax movement with the passage of Proposition 13, a proposition that made it incredibly difficult...
by kspence | Nov 8, 2012 | Black Leadership, Black Politics, Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, Neoliberalism, Politics
When Fredrick Harris argued his New York Times piece (and t, that black elite have been more silent now than they ever were during the Clinton years, I thought he waxed a bit nostalgic. I was a graduate student during that time, and while during this period we did...
by kspence | Nov 7, 2012 | Black Politics, Campaigns and Elections, Knocking the Hustle, Neoliberalism, Obama, Politics
I wrote the piece below after Bush defeated Kerry in what some might argue could be thought of as his only legitimate election. I'd gone to Missouri to work on turnout and to vote, and had to endure the longest plane ride home I'd ever had (the plane was filled with...
by kspence | Nov 6, 2012 | Campaigns and Elections, Neoliberalism, Politics
On Saturday I participated in a Rap Sessions event held at Pastor Frank Reid's church in Baltimore (Bethel AME)–one of the more activist churches in the region. Marc LaMont Hill, Maya Rockeymore, M-1, Rahiel Tesfarmariam, Rev. Lennox Yearwood also participated. We...
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