by admin | Oct 22, 2008 | Campaigns and Elections, Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Democracy, Neoliberalism, Obama |
Cobb offers a cute strategy with a little under two weeks left. But what if he’s got the frame all wrong? GOP elites have to be familiar with the same numbers I am. They show clearly that Obama has a close to $40 million more than McCain (taking the GOP and DNC...
by admin | Oct 22, 2008 | Campaigns and Elections, Democracy, Education, Obama |
My daughter’s American government teacher called Obama a socialist in her class today. Friday? I’m dropping the hammer. I haven’t talked about it much but this past September we made the decision to send all of our kids to school. It was a hard decision for my wife,...
by admin | Oct 17, 2008 | Afrofuturism, Campaigns and Elections, Urban Politics |
A while back I noted the powerful black party discipline that attended Obama. Rather than take the opportunity to talk about ideas, about what we would actually want from an Obama presidency, we talked more about getting him over that electoral hump. To the point of...
by admin | Oct 15, 2008 | Campaigns and Elections, Democracy, Neoliberalism, Obama |
You want to see an old school hip-hop inflected MC beatdown over the election? Read this.
by admin | Oct 11, 2008 | Black Power, Campaigns and Elections, Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Gender and Politics, Neoliberalism, Obama, Politics, Racial Politics |
Will electing Obama matter? If it were Clinton rather than Obama, will electing her have mattered for women? Of course the default answer is yes. For scholars like Walter Benn Michaels? No. In 1947—seven years before the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of...
by admin | Oct 8, 2008 | Campaigns and Elections, Democracy, Obama, Racial Politics |
[youtube][/youtube] The clip above is taken from the first televised debate between Kennedy and Nixon. I watched last night’s debate as did most of you. I thought that I’d take a moment to respond to some of the questions...
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