by kspence | Jan 26, 2013 | Black Leadership, Black Politics, Campaigns and Elections, Obama |
On Friday's Barbershop I weighed in on the "controversy" over President Obama using Lincoln's Bible and Martin Luther King jr's Bible during his swearing in ceremony[foot]Listen here.[/foot]. I noted that King was dead, and if we want to make claims about racial...
by kspence | Nov 27, 2012 | Class and Politics, Gender and Politics, Neoliberalism, Obama, Politics
I like the four hour bloc starting with Up with Chris Hayes and ending with the Melissa Harris-Perry Show. It's one of the most unique blocks on television on at least two dimensions–time and politics. Before these shows we didn't get two hour blocks to talk about...
by kspence | Nov 26, 2012 | Media Appearances, Obama, Politics, The Mass Media
I've known Melissa Harris-Perry since 1999. I wrote a blurb for her most recent book Sister Citizen. I'm going to talk about this more later, but this past weekend I was on her show for the first time, talking a bit about family, and also about the progressive...
by kspence | Nov 14, 2012 | Black Family, Neoliberalism, Obama, Politics, Religion, Resistance, Urban Politics
One of the arguments Fred Harris and Michael Dawson both make in their books about post-Obama era black politics is that the "black church" is in decline, having succumbed to the prosperity gospel. Eddie Glaude went so far as to argue that black church was dead. I...
by kspence | Nov 7, 2012 | Black Politics, Campaigns and Elections, Knocking the Hustle, Neoliberalism, Obama, Politics
I wrote the piece below after Bush defeated Kerry in what some might argue could be thought of as his only legitimate election. I'd gone to Missouri to work on turnout and to vote, and had to endure the longest plane ride home I'd ever had (the plane was filled with...
by kspence | Nov 1, 2012 | Black Politics, Campaigns and Elections, Neoliberalism, Obama
With the election just a few days away folks have begun ruminating on what Obama's election means for African Americans. We've Ta-Nehisi Coates' Atlantic Monthly piece, Jelani Cobb's New Yorker article, and then Fredrick Harris' New York Times op-ed. Coates' work is...
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