by kspence | Apr 17, 2012 | Black Politics, Media Appearances |
A few weeks ago I was on Morning Edition talking about Obama's response to Trayvon Martin's murder. I wanted to emphasize the constraints Obama faced as he tried to meet the needs of black constituents. And I did so, in part, by referring to the thin line blacks...
by kspence | Apr 2, 2012 | Black Politics, Crime and Punishment, Racial Politics
Was on NPR's Morning Edition on Friday, March 30, with David Greene talking about the constraints Obama faces when talking about race, specifically dealing with the Trayvon Martin case. I thought Obama's comments were spot-on, given that the case still hasn't been...
by kspence | Mar 21, 2012 | Black Politics |
Trayvon Martin's execution by George Zimmerman will generate wave after wave of blog posts. Hopefully wave after wave of political organizing against the Stand Your Ground law that I imagine Zimmerman will use in his defense. I wanted to chime in to make a couple of...
by kspence | Feb 20, 2012 | Black Politics, Media Appearances |
I was asked by a colleague to give a talk to Hopkins' Black Faculty-Staff Association this month. I wasn't able to because of time constraints, but I told her that if I did give a talk, it'd probably be titled "Why I Hate Black History Month". Actually, the title I...
by kspence | Feb 17, 2012 | Black Politics, Education |
I was invited yesterday to give a talk on drop-out prevention. Because I am pretty sensitive to the general critique that public intellectuals often go too far afield from the discipline they were trained in–Henry Louis Gates is rarely asked to pontificate on slave...
by kspence | Jan 17, 2012 | Black Politics, Black Popular Culture, Neoliberalism |
Late last year Jared Ball, Darius Wilmore, Lawrence Grandpre, Zeke Berzoff, Chris Baron, and I founded the Baltimore Mixtape Project as a vehicle with which we could both help produce and disseminate politically progressive hip-hop. We've gotten a lot of positive...
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