by admin | Apr 1, 2007 | Black Leadership |
Ok. Now on to the black blogosphere. More specifically to black bloggers who are interested in politics from a moderate to left perspective. I don’t have a particular beef with black bloggers who have a different set of political preferences, but they have their own...
by admin | Apr 1, 2007 | Black Leadership |
We freed Shaquanda Cotton. Now what? I think folks recognize exactly why this happened, and what our role was as black bloggers. But there are a couple of points that I think need to be driven home. Our rights as citizens are not based on our behavior. Freeing Ms....
by admin | Mar 9, 2007 | Black Leadership, Culture, Pop Culture |
Black people have always battled over their art. On the one hand you’ve got those who believe that Kenny G. or even Kirk Whalum shouldn’t hold a candle to Wynton Marsalis. And on the other you’ve got those who would claim with a straight face that Ice Cube is the next...
by admin | Mar 4, 2007 | Black Leadership |
Bruce Gordon, President of the NAACP resigned today, after only 19 months, citing problems with the board. I wrote a piece about the NAACP right after Mfume left his post. Here’s an important snippet: the NAACP is a highly centralized organization, with a bloated...
by admin | Mar 2, 2007 | Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, NPR, The Mass Media |
Michele Martin has been working on a new NPR show and has been demoing parts of it on her blog. My man Jimi came up with a brilliant idea. Instead of having a roundtable discussion of experts as experts about the days events, why not have a roundtable discussion...
by admin | Feb 26, 2007 | Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, Neoliberalism, Political Ideology |
Somehow I missed Gary Dauphin’s take on John McWhorter. I’m interested in McWhorter about as far as I can throw him, but what I am becoming more interested in are the politics of The New Accomodationism. Accomodationism refers to the ideology taken up by blacks in the...
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