by admin | Jun 3, 2008 | Black Power, Crime and Punishment, Urban Politics |
In Congress, then-House Speaker Tip O’Neill, a Democrat whose Boston constituents couldn’t stop talking about Bias’s death, saw a political opportunity. Throughout the 1980s, the federal government had waded deeper into the war on drugs, part of a trend spawned by the...
by admin | May 25, 2008 | Black Family, Black Leadership |
I’ve been thinking about King because I’m writing an academic paper about media representations of him…and have been thinking about Malcolm X because his birthday coincides with that of my middle son. Next week I will be as old as Martin Luther King jr. was when he...
by admin | May 18, 2008 | Black Leadership, Black Power |
Well, that’s not exactly true. But when the NAACP decided to appoint (why do I want to say “hire”?) 35-year old Benjamin Todd Jealous as its President (story here) they made the narrative here pretty predictable. Whereas when Bruce Gordon (Jealous’ predecessor) was...
by admin | May 13, 2008 | Black Power, Racial Politics, The Mass Media |
The Washington Post article The New York Times Article
by admin | Apr 30, 2008 | Black Leadership, Black Power, Campaigns and Elections, Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, Obama, Politics, Racial Politics |
I think partly because of the sort of racial narratives that are likely to attach within rightwing circles in the Democratic Party of an Obama defeat, as well as the subsequent role that he’d be likely to play in public life, that from the standpoint of progressive...
by admin | Apr 27, 2008 | Black Power, Crime and Punishment, Racial Politics, Urban Politics |
THE NATIONAL BLACK POLICE ASSOCIATION: THE SEAN BELL VERDICT EMBOLDENS LACK OF CONFIDENCE IN JUDGES © April 26, 2008. All rights reserved to NBPA By Christopher C. Cooper Saint Xavier University Chicago, IL The acquittals of the three New York City...
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