by kspence | Jul 18, 2015 | Black Politics, Media Appearances, NPR, Obama, Politics |
On Thursday July 18, David Greene of NPR’s Morning Edition interviewed me for about a half hour or so on the shift in President Obama’s rhetoric on race and racism. Although I haven’t performed the “for real for real” type of analysis to definitively show that a...
by kspence | Apr 21, 2015 | Black Politics, Black Popular Culture, Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, Neoliberalism |
Recently Michael Eric Dyson penned a strongly worded critique (severe understatement) of Cornel West in The New Republic, basically arguing West has become a thin shell of his former self. Dyson, who owes his career to West, is one of the many black...
by kspence | Jan 26, 2015 | Black Leadership, Black Politics
Last week, the nation celebrated Martin Luther King jr. Day. Like most historical figures with a significant paper trail, you can find several different Kings based on your predispotions. For example, here’s textual evidence for a black conservative King. The...
by kspence | Jan 18, 2015 | Black Politics, Politics, Pop Culture |
In what circumstances should we think of pop culture as political? What should we think of Selma’s Oscar snub, or Azealia Bank’s recent comments on reparations? What is a social movement? How would we know it if it existed? How would we distinguish events that are...
by kspence | Jan 9, 2015 | Black Politics, Crime and Punishment
Above is a conversation between Fred Moten and Robin Kelley on #blacklivesmatter, moderated by Maisha Quint, an anti-prison organizer working in Oakland, California with the Eastside Arts...
by kspence | Apr 28, 2014 | Black Popular Culture, Culture, Labor, Politics, Pop Culture, Sports |
On April 25, TMZ released a recording of Donald Sterling (owner of the Los Angeles Clippers) telling his girlfriend that he didn't want her bringing black people to his basketball games, this as the NBA itself is a predominantly black league, this as the Los Angeles...
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