by admin | Jan 22, 2010 | NPR, Politics, The Mass Media |
John Edwards revealed that the affair with his campaign staffer Rielle Hunter produced a child, even as his wife was dying from cancer. Although a number of pundits and politicians are glad his political career is over, I’ve second thoughts. The tragedy in Haiti has...
by admin | Jan 18, 2010 | Black Leadership, Marc Steiner Show, NPR, Obama, The Mass Media |
Haiti is the first instance in the modern world of the enslaved taking their country back. And they’ve paid for it ever since. In talking about what’s going on in Haiti now, this is the SECOND thing that should be mentioned…as it provides context for the enormity of...
by admin | Jan 3, 2010 | NPR, The Mass Media
Tell Me More had me on last week to talk about the top political stories of the decade. It went…ok. I wished I could’ve gotten another crack at some of the questions. Michele asked us which loss hit us hardest. As I’m thinking about it now, I realize that I lost two...
by admin | Jul 30, 2009 | NPR, Obama, Racial Politics, The Mass Media |
I was on Tell Me More last week talking Michael Vick and Cat Fancy, Obama’s Health Care plan, and of course the Gates stuff. Take a listen (and now read the transcript!) here. Some of the best stuff didn’t make it to the final cut–I think this is one of the few cases...
by admin | Jun 25, 2009 | NPR, The Mass Media |
I’ve been doing the media thing a bit while I get this book done. Yesterday I was on Midday with Dan Rodricks. Last week (while I was on the way to tape for NPR incidentally) Congress passed a resolution apologizing for slavery. We debated its merits on the show. You...
by admin | May 28, 2009 | Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, Neoliberalism, NPR, Racial Politics, The Mass Media, Urban Politics |
…went much better than I expected. Listen here. Quick thoughts: An email comment from “Eric” noted that in the wake of Judge Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination it’d be hard to ask taxpayers to continue to expend resources for the black “underclass”. My response was that...
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