by admin | Jun 22, 2008 | Black Family, Gender and Politics, Urban Politics |
Jimi asked a bunch of us this question, and one of my partners already weighed in. I wish I had an answer that would pass muster. I don’t. I can, like Cobb did, pull from a list of my boys–good men all–and use that as some sort of barometer. The graduate chapter I’m...
by admin | Jun 17, 2008 | Black Family, Cash Rules Everything Around Me, things that make you go hmm |
Many have written about the stark racial differences in wealth and in income. But what about the differences within black communities? Working on the book I found a couple of charts that I think are interesting here. The gini coefficient measures income inequality...
by admin | Jun 15, 2008 | Black Family, Obama, Racial Politics, Urban Politics |
It was striking alright…striking in as much as it smacked a whole bunch of black folks who are trying to make lemonade with lemons right in the mouth: Too many fathers are M.I.A, too many fathers are AWOL, missing from too many lives and too many homes,” Mr. Obama...
by admin | Jun 8, 2008 | Black Family, Education, Gender and Politics |
My mother called me last week with the story of the white Morehouse valedictorian. I didn’t think the story important enough to write about, because on its face the story reminded me of the not so famous White Tiger. We’ve got all types of stories about black students...
by admin | May 25, 2008 | Black Family, Black Leadership |
I’ve been thinking about King because I’m writing an academic paper about media representations of him…and have been thinking about Malcolm X because his birthday coincides with that of my middle son. Next week I will be as old as Martin Luther King jr. was when he...
by admin | May 1, 2008 | Black Family, Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Education, The Mass Media |
This video runs long, but is worth it if you’ve the time. Watch it and tell me that any of the candidates has EVER spoken to these issues. [youtube][/youtube]More here.
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