by admin | May 28, 2009 | Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, Neoliberalism, NPR, Racial Politics, The Mass Media, Urban Politics |
…went much better than I expected. Listen here. Quick thoughts: An email comment from “Eric” noted that in the wake of Judge Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination it’d be hard to ask taxpayers to continue to expend resources for the black “underclass”. My response was that...
by admin | May 22, 2009 | NPR, The Mass Media
All on one ticket. Today I did a live segment of Tell Me More’s barbershop. Comments welcome.
by admin | Apr 2, 2009 | Afrofuturism, Neoliberalism, The Future of the City, The Mass Media |
A few weeks ago the Seattle Post-Intelligencer dropped regular service and went online. Last week the Ann Arbor News–the newspaper that gave me my first paid journalism gig–gave notice that it was following suit. Today both Detroit newspapers cut their home delivery...
by admin | Mar 19, 2009 | Afrofuturism, Culture, Democracy, The Mass Media |
Living Art, originally uploaded by Unbowed. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer bit the dust today to be reborn as an online only edition. The San Francisco Chronicle is losing $1 million/week and if it dies I believe that Sanfran will be the only major city without a...
by admin | Mar 3, 2009 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Neoliberalism, NPR, Obama, The Mass Media, things that make you go hmm |
I’ve been meaning to get to this, but Buster brought up something in comments that I meant to address but haven’t had a chance to get to. In fact, because my blogging has been so light, in the wake of so much bloggable material, I’ve considered making this a group...
by admin | Feb 19, 2009 | Black Power, Obama, Racial Politics, The Mass Media |
With Obama’s election, there was hope that the black media corps would have a much tighter relationship with him. And to an extent they have so far–remember we’re barely a month into his Presidency. Feels a lot longer because Bush pretty much abdicated after the...
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