Spence on Internet Radio tonight

Hey. My wife hosts a show on talkshoe.com called Chocolate Chats. She’s been doing the thing for a minute now, and has decided to interview me…which means that for about a half hour or so our kids will likely have the run of the house. If you’ve got some time give a...

Magneto? Sounds about right

Got this from Mike. Your results: You are Magneto Magneto 53% Mystique 48% Apocalypse 42% Dark Phoenix 41% The Joker 41% Riddler 39% Dr. Doom 34% Venom 30% Mr. Freeze 28% Lex Luthor 26% Catwoman 25% Juggernaut 20% Green Goblin 16% Poison Ivy 14% Two-Face 12% Kingpin...