If Michigan Football were an MC…

Who would it be? I think I cribbed this meme from one of my man Gary Dauphin’s, deli.icio.us links.  Whatever the case, another Michigan alum answers the question definitively. For a longer list check this one out. Now check the dates out on these posts.  I wonder...

Running the Numbers

When political scientists think about “running the numbers” what we normally think about is some form of quantitative analysis. In my case, I’m thinking about multivariate regressions. When Chris Jordan talks about running the numbers he’s got another thing in mind...

The New Black Man Meets Sisters in Comics

So I’m watching Sweetback’s Badass Song for the Black Power Fantasies course I am co-teaching with Stanford Carpenter. What we don’t really have a handle on is how transformative the black power period was. There are a whole set of propositions that those of us born...

To the Break of Dawn–the aesthetics of hip-hop

cobb book signing04.JPG Originally uploaded by Unbowed. There are a whole range of works that deal with the politics of hip-hop. Given the freight placed on hip-hop as a social/political movement, this is understandable. Hell, I’m at work as we speak on my own foray...