by admin | Dec 13, 2009 | Afrofuturism, things that make you go hmm |
This week I turned my manuscript into the publisher. Knock on wood what I have left now are the details. Line by line editing. Index generation. Fact checking. That type of thing. Which means that for the first time in several years I have to sit down and figure out...
by admin | Jul 20, 2009 | Afrofuturism, The Mass Media
Today is the 40th Anniversary of Neil Armstrong’s historic walk on the moon. Although I grew up wanting to be an astronaut, and am even now a card carrying Afrofuturist, I thought I’d commemorate the event by way of an old school Heron track. Unlike Heron I do think...
by admin | May 19, 2009 | Afrofuturism, Neoliberalism, The Future of the City |
That’s all I want to know. [youtube][/youtube]
by admin | May 9, 2009 | Afrofuturism, The Future of the City, Urban Politics |
Dave Bing was elected to fulfill the remaining year or so of Kwame Kilpatrick’s turn. For many this represents a turn for the better, given not only the competition (Ken Cockrel Jr.), but given other recent choices (Martha Reeves, Monica Conyers, Kwame Kilpatrick)....
by admin | Apr 2, 2009 | Afrofuturism, Neoliberalism, The Future of the City, The Mass Media |
A few weeks ago the Seattle Post-Intelligencer dropped regular service and went online. Last week the Ann Arbor News–the newspaper that gave me my first paid journalism gig–gave notice that it was following suit. Today both Detroit newspapers cut their home delivery...
by admin | Mar 19, 2009 | Afrofuturism, Culture, Democracy, The Mass Media |
Living Art, originally uploaded by Unbowed. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer bit the dust today to be reborn as an online only edition. The San Francisco Chronicle is losing $1 million/week and if it dies I believe that Sanfran will be the only major city without a...
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