Black Lit is for White People?

I’ve been reading Mat Johnson’s blog since Tayari hipped me to it. In a recent post he tests whether Black Lit is for White People by looking at the type of black literature given prominent awards by mainstream literature critics. I’d...

"Had Cool like a Vault has money"

Ed Bradley died two days ago of leukemia. In writing about him, Wil Haygood used the quote I cite above. There’s a certain type of gaze that comes with living life as a black man. Unless you’re in a city like Detroit, there’s never a time you...

On self-hatred

There’s a meme that’s been going around black communities at least as long as black people have been organizing against white supremacy, blaming black failure on self-hatred. If we were to just “unify.” If we were able to somehow figure out how...

Lawrence Levine Passes Away

Lawrence Levine was a giant in the field of African American History.  His book Black Culture and Consciousness was written over twenty (almost THIRTY!) years ago, but is still one of the best in its field, and required reading.  He passed away of cancer this...

Conservatism…and Democracy?!?

Over at Cobb, my boy Mike is arguing that Conservatism may be the saving grace of America and the West. I don’t expect to get a response from him because he’s got a job to do…but while conservatism very well may be the saving grace of the North (not...