Rebuilding Cities from the Ground Up

In response to a followup note on my post on local government, Keith Owens asks: When you say “a series of self-sustaining societies” what do you mean exactly? I think I may have an idea, but I want to make sure I’m clear on what you’re...

The case of Shaquanda Cotton

Posts that contain Shaquanda Cotton per day for the last 30 days. Get your own chart! I first heard about the Shaquanda Cotton case through my former student Frederic Mitchell at his spot. I didn’t post on it myself. Rather, I decided to do an NPR commentary on...

Kobe Bryant's scoring jag

Kobe’s been on a tear over the past week, prompting at least one to proclaim that he’s better than No. 23. Now whether folks think this position is right or wrong, is really immaterial. At this point in the game no one is better at what Kobe does. And off...

North Carolina vs Georgetown redux

I’m watching the second half of the NC/Georgetown game. I am watching this game because I remember watching the first match in 82. I don’t remember who I was pulling for, but I do remember the pass. I’ve got to be one of the only folks who appreciate...

The Perfect Storm hits Local Government

I’ve been watching Jericho. It’s a more-than-decent attempt to combine Picket Fences with The Day After. This combination enables them to tell a variety of stories–suburban pathos stories in one thread, nuclear holocaust stories in another thread...