Why I don't eat dinner with my family

My kids asked me the other day to eat dinner with them. I begged off. “No thanks.” I said. It isn’t like I don’t love my kids. I do. But what I’m looking for come dinner time, is decompression. And it’s difficult to get...

Death of a Biker pt. 1

IMG_5420.JPG Originally uploaded by Unbowed. For respite, clarity, and vision, I take pictures. Last week I was out, planning to take a trip to the cemetery to get some shots in during the golden period–that moment during the day where the sun produces beautiful...

Black suburban isolation

I’m working on a project involving black attitudes about people with HIV/AIDS, and was doing some more citation digging. Came across this nugget that I don’t think I’ve seen before–or at least not recently, it is taken from my personal files: A...

The New Poor

I guess “the new poor” is better than “the underclass”. But just as no one who is considered a member of “the underclass” would actually claim the moniker, I’m not sure how many people would claim being part of “the new...

Mother's Day/Wedding Anniversary

Fourteen years ago today I married Shawn Mason. Five kids two states two degrees and two schools later, here we are. Before I got to the yard this morning I checked out Ebony Mom, because I saw she peeped her head in (myblog.com is the bomb!), and noticed that one of...

Affirmative Action for (white) boys next

When voters in the state of Michigan passed a referendum that would render affirmative action based on race (and gender i think) illegal in contracting and in college admission, I knew that this would happen. Take a look around college campuses–not just...

Obama's first encounter with Detroit Mayor rocky

At least according to this article. Now something like this is usually leaked to the press by someone. Here I’m thinking that someone from Mayor Kilpatrick’s cabinet leaked this story to the journalist. It gets at some of the difficulties that my (helpful)...

Multi-polarity and Urban Drug Wars

I got this story from Prometheus6. Ignatius’ central argument here is based on something he picked up from IR specialists in political science–over time multi-polarity becomes stable, in some ways as stable as a bi-polar world with only two superpowers....