by admin | Jan 25, 2011 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Neoliberalism, Obama
Photo by Steve RhodesIn advance of tonight’s State of the Union address, Michael Shear notes that Obama is strategically using the language of business in order to show he is business friendly but in such a way as to maintain constituency support. Shear: …Obama is...
by admin | Jan 24, 2011 | Black Family, Education, Neoliberalism |
The phrase “tiger mom” returns approximately 36,200,000 hits on Google. As the parent of five black children Amy Chua’s tale all too easily resonates with me. I remember with crystal clarity the moment we took our oldest son out of daycare several years ago because he...
by admin | Jan 22, 2011 | Neoliberalism, Obama
Last week Obama named GE CEO Jeff Immelt to chair a new advisory council that will generate ideas that can jump start the economy. The council is heavy with corporate executives prompting concerns that Obama–particularly given his recent WSJ editorial–is tacking...
by admin | Jan 21, 2011 | Education, Gender and Politics |
Photo by EPIC FUWilliam Julius Wilson was one of the first social scientists doing work on race to connect the dying industrial economy to the growing number of single (black) mothers. So instead of pushing for more resources to single mothers, what does he do? Push...
by admin | Jan 20, 2011 | Urban Politics
Taking a break from writing, I found an interactive feature in the NYT today. A stunning series of portraits, the first sentence: Few American cities have suffered as acutely as Rockford, Ill., where unemployment reached nearly 16 percent last summer. This semester...
by admin | Jan 19, 2011 | Afrofuturism, Hip-hop, NPR, The Future of the City, The Mass Media |
Photo by Sam HowzitIn December I had the chance to participate in a discussion about the future of Baltimore moderated by Dan Rodricks. The panelists included Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Dr. Freeman Hrabowski III (President of UMBC), Baltimore novelist Madison...
by admin | Jan 18, 2011 | Black Leadership, Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Neoliberalism, Obama |
Photo by Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.comAnd that sound you hear is the sound of balloons busting all over the country. Today, Obama penned an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal that promised an executive order that would make sure that pre-existing and new regulations...
by admin | Jan 17, 2011 | Black Leadership, History, Obama |
Photo by GilkataEver since Obama became a national figure, people have compared him to Martin Luther King jr. I saw a powerful photoshopped photo of the two supposedly engaging in dialogue at the White House while at a cigar bar in Detroit. The comparisons are...
by admin | Jan 16, 2011 | Campaigns and Elections, NPR, Obama, The Mass Media
I was on the Barbershop on Friday. Because of the tragedy in Arizona we only discussed Obama’s speech and Palin’s response. Even though I’ve strong disagreements with the President, he gave an excellent speech, given his goals–to pay homage to the victims and to rise...
by admin | Jan 14, 2011 | Crime and Punishment, Neoliberalism, Political Ideology |
I just came across an article in Salon about Grover Norquist. Norquist, a staunch anti-tax advocate has helped to organize a conservative prison reform group, Right on Crime. A quick look at their statement of principles sees a reliance on neoliberal rhetoric–note the...
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