by kspence | Oct 8, 2011 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Pop Culture, The Mass Media |
I wrote my first word-processed high school paper (and every high school paper after that) on an Apple IIc that I believe my parents still own. I wrote every undergraduate paper between 1987 and 1990 on a Mac. Every academic paper after 2004, every blog entry, NPR...
by kspence | Oct 7, 2011 | Neoliberalism, The Future of the City |
A few weeks ago for all intents and purposes, Baltimoreans re-elected incumbent Stephanie Rawlings-Blake after a fierce campaign that saw each candidate tackle the central questions of unemployment, poverty, and crime. The construction of a Baltimore Youth Prison...
by kspence | Sep 28, 2011 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Neoliberalism
I got an email from one of my students today. An excellent student, she’s had trouble finding work and she reached out to me. I thought I’d take the response I sent to her and place it here (names removed of course), as a lot of people are in these circumstances: Hey...
by kspence | Sep 27, 2011 | The Mass Media
Mark Anthony Neal, Professor of Black Popular Culture at Duke University created Left of Black, a video webcast devoted to exploring black politics, life, and culture, from a decidedly left perspective. I was featured on this week’s episode which you can see below: ...
by kspence | Sep 26, 2011 | Black Leadership, Neoliberalism, Obama |
I had the opportunity to read Obama’s Speech to the CBC. In contrast to critiques that he hasn’t sufficiently paid attention or given credit to the Civil Rights Movement, Obama’s speech is full of references to the Civil Rights Movement and to Martin Luther King jr....
by kspence | Sep 11, 2011 | Neoliberalism |
When Al Queda operatives destroyed the World Trade Center and hit the Pentagon, we missed an incredible moment. When President Bush was asked what Americans should do, he replied, “shop.” In thinking about whether to tell “my 9/11 story” I came across a video about...
by kspence | Sep 6, 2011 | The Future of the City, Urban Politics |
I’m going to begin today’s Urban Politics lecture with this question. What DOES a city sound like? It depends, right? If I think solely in terms of music even then it depends on the city. This is New York City:...
by kspence | Aug 26, 2011 | Black Leadership, Crisis of the Negro Intellectual |
For those on the east coast reading this blog on 8/26 or this weekend, please take steps to make sure you’re safe given Irene. Government information can be found here. I am bracing for a storm at least as bad as the winter storms we’ve been hit with in Baltimore...
by kspence | Aug 17, 2011 | Culture, Marc Steiner Show, Political Ideology, The Future of the City, The Mass Media |
In this month’s appearance on the Marc Steiner Show, I discussed cultural nationalism with Jerome Scott, Founder and member of Project South: The Institute for the elimination of Poverty and Genocide. Since we discussed Manning Marable’s biography of Malcolm X in May,...
by kspence | Aug 16, 2011 | Crime and Punishment, Hip-hop, Racial Politics, The Mass Media, Urban Politics
Of course we should’ve expected this. In the video below, David Starkey argues that the London riots can be traced to the growing power of black culture over Great Britain, and when he talks about black culture it is clear that what he really means is hip-hop and rap....
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