Lemonade Detroit

Imaging Detroit occurs this weekend, featuring over 65 films (including my first film short “I Am From Detroit”). Over the next several weeks I plan on featuring these films here. I’m struck by Lemonade Detroit for a few reasons, but the first is that I recognize the...

Brother Ali on Writer's Block

On Ill Doctrine, Brother Ali talks about writer’s block. I remember the first time I encountered soul searing, not gonna get a job, going to have to hustle to feed my family, type writer’s block. I was dissertating, and at some point, probably in the second or third...

I Am From Detroit

Part of the Imaging Detroit installation, created with Kofi Boone, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at North Carolina State University. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XV4X_rZx-pM[/youtube]

We Are Many

This week AK Press releases We Are Many: Critical Reflections on Movement Strategy from Occupation to Liberation. With the one year anniversary of Occupy upon us, the book's editors compiled essays from fifty writers involved in occupations across the world. Some,...