by kspence | Sep 21, 2012 | Neoliberalism, The Future of the City
Imaging Detroit occurs this weekend, featuring over 65 films (including my first film short “I Am From Detroit”). Over the next several weeks I plan on featuring these films here. I’m struck by Lemonade Detroit for a few reasons, but the first is that I recognize the...
by kspence | Sep 20, 2012 | Black Popular Culture
On Ill Doctrine, Brother Ali talks about writer’s block. I remember the first time I encountered soul searing, not gonna get a job, going to have to hustle to feed my family, type writer’s block. I was dissertating, and at some point, probably in the second or third...
by kspence | Sep 19, 2012 | Neoliberalism, Urban Politics
Part of the Imaging Detroit installation, created with Kofi Boone, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at North Carolina State University. [youtube][/youtube]
by kspence | Sep 18, 2012 | Black Politics, Knocking the Hustle, Neoliberalism |
If I were asked in all seriousness just what I considered to be the chief significance of Invisible Man as a fiction, I would reply: Its experimental attitude and its attempt to return to the mood of personal moral responsibility for democracy which typified the...
by kspence | Sep 18, 2012 | Campaigns and Elections, Neoliberalism, Obama
Hat tip to Think 4 Yourself. And in honor of Romney’s excellent press conference explaining his remarks…Mobb Deep. [youtube][/youtube]
by kspence | Sep 17, 2012 | Neoliberalism |
This week AK Press releases We Are Many: Critical Reflections on Movement Strategy from Occupation to Liberation. With the one year anniversary of Occupy upon us, the book's editors compiled essays from fifty writers involved in occupations across the world. Some,...
by kspence | Sep 9, 2012 | Crime and Punishment, Neoliberalism
(Cross posted at Crime and Punishment–thanks to Michael Corbin) With the end of both political conventions we’re a little more than two months away before the 2012 elections. In gaming the likelihood of a Romney election or an Obama re-election, pundits have largely...
by kspence | Aug 27, 2012 | Black Family, Education |
My oldest daughter, my oldest nephew, and my oldest niece all start college this week. Below is a list I plan to expand into longer work. Please share, modify, as you see fit. 1. Experiment. 2. Find your voice. 3. Love. 4. Work hard. 5. Make friends. 6. Make enemies....
by kspence | Aug 2, 2012 | Culture, Neoliberalism, The Future of the City
A few weeks ago I heard about a project entitled Imaging Detroit sponsored by the Metropolitan Observatory for Digital Culture and Representation. I thought it represented the perfect opportunity for me to bring together my interest in visual politics, and my love...
by kspence | Jul 9, 2012 | The Future of the City, The Mass Media, Urban Politics |
I usually time my trip back to Detroit to coincide with my fraternity's boat ride. But there are a couple of conferences that occurred at the same time. The first is the Allied Media Conference, sponsored every year by Allied Media Projects. Dozens of sessions...
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