The New York Times features
an article about the challenges the CBC faces in the upcoming term, what with a black President and all. The article has many of the challenges that journalistic accounts of black politics has–confusing age and ideology, ignoring the differences between black constituencies in favor of an approach that focuses on “respect”. The picture they chose to accompany the story speaks volumes.
Absolutely hilarious.
I want readers to do a favor for me. Add your favorite caption. And I’ll announce the winner in another post.
Bobby Rush: Damn@. I can't believe I lost the chance to be pet by Pelosi in a game of Bid Whisk. This is some bull…
And Charlie, I think I'll miss you most of all!
Pelosi: I can still complain about sexism, what you got?
Cholly, you will be let in the House.
Please post about Burris' appoinment!
Don't you worry, I promise there will be some crumbs left for you.
“I LOVE me a clean-shaven man!”
“Meet me in the cloakroom in 15 minutes!”
Thank you for plowing the field. Don't let Mister know I thanked you though…
Pelosi: I'll see you later, Mandango.
Woman in Blue: White bitches
Oh baby, you know you will always be able to drive miss Daisy.
“Here's that nickel for busting up my chifferobe…”
Just checkin' – making sure it really doesn't rub off
I loo-ves me some Charlie!
Rush: Bitch better save me some of that!
Sista in Red: Damn, I'd like to put my Jimmy choos up her…..
Sista in Blue: Jesus Christ, next thing you know she'll be asking us to suckle one of those grandchillin of hers.
Charlie: You know I saved the best housing for our rendevous, Nancy.
Nancy: I know Charlie, It's hard out here for a Pimp.
1. DANG! Did you shave this morning??
2. Rangel: Can you help a “brotha” out?
Pelosi: Ima try to help you, BUT I don’t think that all these charges are lookin’ too good for you.
Guy to the left of the woman in red: “That's gonna leave an earmark.”
Down boy, down boy, down
Pelosi: Who’s a good boy? WHO’S A GOOD BOY?! Yes you are YESSSSS you ARE!!!
Pelosi: “Coochie, Coochie coo.”
Woman in Red: ” I would love to kick her azz if I could find it.”
Aww… Thank you for driving me all these years…
Nothing up my sleeve, Presto. Here's your appropriation.
Oh Charlie don't worry,your secret is safe.
“You the nicest colored boy I ever met!”
Charlie, you're still my “magic Negro.” Now bring my car around to the front. MiLO
Charlie, you can take that 48-hour Cialis now, I’ll be waiting round the corner. Just don’t run a stop sign like the other Charles did.
Mel Watt and Bobby Scott: Dang I wish I was on the front row.
Bobby Rush: Hurry up hussy; I need the CBC to vote on supporting Burris. I beat Barack once and I’ll beat him again.
Corrine Brown: You dropped da bomb on me Nancy; you dropped da bomb on me.
Lady in Blue (?): So I gotta get up early in the morning; Gotta find me another lover.
“You did good boy, Now send that fussbudget Bobby up to the big house.”
Sit Ubu Sit! Good Dog!
Your off shore accounts and your shady dealing are making all of us Democrats look bad in the media. I have to ask you to step down. Don't take it personal.