by kspence | Jan 12, 2015 | Photography
by kspence | Jan 9, 2015 | Black Politics, Crime and Punishment
Above is a conversation between Fred Moten and Robin Kelley on #blacklivesmatter, moderated by Maisha Quint, an anti-prison organizer working in Oakland, California with the Eastside Arts...
by kspence | Jan 4, 2015 | Black Popular Culture, Sports |
I just received word this morning that Stuart Scott, longtime sportscaster for ESPN, passed away at the age of 49. While Steve Wulf wrote a wonderful tribute, I don’t think he fully captured Scott’s contribution. He hinted at it. But he didn’t quite get it. This...
by kspence | Nov 11, 2014 | Announcements, Media Appearances |
Haven’t posted anything since the beginning of the term. I had a feeling this would be the busiest year of my professional career and I wasn’t that far off. So it’s caused me to neglect a range of non-essential forms of writing. With that said, here’s a few updates:...
by kspence | Aug 13, 2014 | Crime and Punishment, Urban Politics |
On April 14, 1997 Gregory Bell, a 19 year old, was home alone when his resident’s burglar alarm went off. Police officers sent to the unit to investigate found Bell. Because Bell was retarded, he was unable to communicate to the officers—who arrived at his...
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